Method was normative
i.e. “what ought to be”

based on experience

value loaded

not based on facts.

Lack scientificness

Lack universalism
they claimed their theories and principles are scientific. i.e. why can be applied universally and in any field of public & private administration. If applied will maximize the efficiency & economy & production.

They said that organisation is formal.
No personal  relation among the employees. They should work on the basis of pre- determined rules and regulation.
Thus they consider human being on the basis of instrument of production.

Organisation completely close

Human being is economic man. i.e. can only be motivated by monetary incentives.
Complete rational. i.e. who can choose the best and can full fill his own interest at the best.

Theories and principles of management with the emphasis on the function of executives like CEO, MANAGER, etc.

Authority lies in the post/position of the incumbent.

-coercive i.e. forcefulness

The chief of the organisation has ultimate authority.

Therefore the subordinate get authority due to deliberation of authority by chief.

Conflict:- classical were almost against the conflict they consider it as destructive for the organisation. That is why they tried that no any conflict should emerged in org. if emerges then supressed forcefully dominance method of conflict resolution

Flow of authority TOP to DOWNWARD.
Maximum of production

They were also tried to increase economy & efficiency.


Observe the behaviour of organisation.

They concluded that human being in the organisation work on the basis of the social relation not the basis of pre- determined rule and regulation.

Organisation is informal.
Completely open.
 Human being is a social man i.e. can only be motivated by psychological aspects not by the economic incentives.

Human being is complete irrational.

Based on empirical study

Based on positivism

The knowledge that can inject through the body senses empirically is truth. That is why factual analysis.

Classical studies was highly un scientific because that was based on the experiences. therefore he suggested that the need is scientific study and that can achieve through empirical study.

Empirical study emphasis “what is” i.e. the reality or actuality of the organisation.

Organisation is both formal and informal.

Half open half closed.

Human being is administrative man can be motivated by both intrinsic (work) and extrinsic  (social).

Human being is bounded rationality (limited)choses satisficing (satisfactory + suffice)
Value free idea i.e. scientific idea
It is based on NEW PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. In the study of new public administration the need is relevant knowledge whether it is science or not does not matter that should have values, Can being changed should establish social equity in society
It is based on CHOICE OF PUBLIC.
Challenge to public administration is:-
1)      Cope of the fast changing global environment.
2)      Effective supplies of good & services  to uplift the deprived section of society

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