Scientific Management Theory- given by Fredrick Winslow Taylor
This theory is only related to the workshop level of organisation/shop level    
-this theory only related to workers or laboures or foreman.
- in the organisation there should be science not rule of thumb.
- scientific selection of worker is not in organisation.
- training
- harmony not discord.
- soldering phenomenon- (avoidence of work).
- conflict between manager and workers:- avoidence of responsibility of production.
- workshop level is not scientifically structure, that is why he suggested functional foremanship.
Taylor started his carrer as an apprentice and reached upto the top level of organisation. In his carrer he experinced a lot of problem in the organisation which wer restricting the production. Actually the production was very low, what taylor found was, lack of efficiency and economy in the organisation resonsible for low production. He find out several factors responsible for the low level of efficiency and economy.
                                                                                                   He saw that there is, rule of thumb in the working of the organisation. The workers at the workshop level working on the basis of their own knowledge and experence and even with their tools, taylor found it highly unscientific. Hence forth  suggested that scientific selection of worker and empowering Training, to make them skill and inturned improvement in the individual efficiency, similarly he suggested use of scientific rules to maximize the efficiency and economy and there by production.
SOLDERING PHENOMENON:- taylor found that in the organisation there is tendency of avoidence of work he termed it as the soldering phenomenon. He identified two type of soldering namely.
1)    Natural
2)    Systematic
He believed that the tendency of workers to avoid the work can also be removed from the organisation, in this regard he suggested.
-         Standardization of work for a day
He advocated that everyone has to achieve the standard; he suggested use of TIME STUDY & MOTION STUDY. With the help of stopwatch. He suggested that every workers to achieve the standard.
NEW WAGE SYSTEM:-  after the standardization of work Taylor suggested a new wage system popularly known as differential piece rate system. Under this system he propose per unit wage in this manner, those worker who performed better get more wage or salary then the poor performance. Further, he propose bonus to be given, if any worker produces more then the standard. The bonus was also based on per unit. Therefore, it is clear that Taylor considered the human being as an economic man.
According to Taylor the workers who produces more will get more and the less producer get less. Taylor advocates that human being can only be motivated by monetary incentives. Similarly, for the motivation of worker he suggested “carrot and stick theory of worker.”
AVOIDENCE OF RESPONSIBILITY: - Taylor found both managements and workers work not taking the responsibility of production. Workers were complaining that management have shaded all the responsibility of production on us, while it is the responsibility of management. Management was saying the production is the responsibility of workers.
                                                                                                                               In this regard Taylor has given the idea of management by exception. Under this principles Taylor suggested that management should interfere in the day to day functioning of workshop exceptionally. Further, he said that worker also should not complain to the management unnecessarily. The both should take the responsibility of production in their own area of work and responsibility. The both should take the responsibility of production in their own area of work and responsibility.
DISCORD:- Taylor identified that the reason of discord /conflict between management and worker is sharing of profit. Management complain that they are getting less profit as they are paying much to the workers. While, worker complain that they are getting very less in compare to their contribution.

According to Taylor once the production is maximized the conflict will be removed automatically as both the management and worker will get more profit. But Taylor concerned by saying that “management are not only the two party in an industrial organisation” Taylor said that the consumer are the third party at they should also be benefitted due to the increase to raise as maximization of production.
It is the responsibility of management to produce product in lesser cost and supply to the consumer in lesser cost. It is kind of social concerned of Taylor.
Functional foremanship: - Taylor found that there is ambiguity in in the functioning of workshop. Functions are not divide and structured welled. According to Taylor                           it was also the reason of lack of efficiency and economy & poor production. Therefore he suggested functional foremanship. Functional foremanship is divided (division of work). He divide the function into planning and executive function and suggested four foreman in each planning shell-
Therefore he put the worker under the command of 8 foreman. it is  multiplicity of command. The later classical scholar advocated unity of command.       
Finally Taylor came to the conclusion that what the technique have suggested under the scientific management are not the scientific management. According to him the essence of scientific management lies in mental revolution . i.e. the change in the mental attitude of both the management and workers. Taylorarian principle are not the abstract principles but are operational instruments. And thus nothing to be achieved unless individual workers and manager are not mentally prepared to apply them. There will not be any use of scientific management. Similarly, both the management and worker have to change their mental attitude to adopt the scientific management theory. 

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