According to ROBERT T. GOLEMBIEWSKI the following three ant goals stand out in new public administration-
1)    Its literature is anti- positivist which means (a) rejecting a definition of public administration as ‘value free’. (b) Rejecting a rationalist and perhaps determinist view of human kind and (c) rejecting all the definition of public administration that was not properly involved in policy.
2)    It is anti- technical that is, it decries that the emotive- creative mankind is being sacrificed to the logic of machine and the system.
3)    It is more or less anti bureaucratic and anti-hierarchical.
FRANK MARINI summarizes the themes of new public administration under five heads: RELEVANCE, VALUES, SOCIAL EQUITY, CHANGE, and CLIENT ORIENTATION.
1)    RELEVANCE: advocate of new public administration opined that traditional public administration has been loaded with abstract. And comprehensively indefinable goals like efficiency and economy. And hence ignored the real life issue, which enable administrative effectiveness. Therefore they advocated that there is relevant knowledge of public administration whether it decides or not doesn’t matter.
2)    Values: according to the scholar of new public administration values cannot be ignored in administrative studies as public administrative what’s in a political and social environment. Hence these both influence the administration & vice versa.
3)    Change: advocates of new public administration said that the approach of traditional public administration was status-quo. It was cultural bound, parochial and lack of mobility. While demand of new public administration is mobility and dynamism. Therefore public administration should strive for bringing the change in society.
4)    Social equity: - according to scholar of new public administration the ultimate purpose of public administration is social equity. In this context Frederickson has said that public administration which faith to work for the changes, try to regress the deprivation of minorities will likely be eventually use to regress those minorities.
5)    Client orientation:- administrator should treat the administration as client/customer.

in other word public administration should satisfy the clients. That is why have to focus on effectiveness of administration.


  1. Very good information...i appriciate this effort to make india youth to inform all about public administration.
