Informal organisation exist
Informal organisation is of immense importance. It cannot be ignored. The existence of formal organisation depends upon the informal organisation.
Bernard said that cooperative action is required in the organisation. Because individual efficiency is limited and following factor are responsible to it.
1) Physical
2) Social
3) Biological
Bernard opined that organisation is a smaller system of a longer system (society). It clearly refers that organisation function in a particular society. It is responsible to serve particular society.
Bernard is considered as the father of social system school. He is also known as 1st behavioural scholar. Unlike the classical scholar, Bernard said there are following three element of organisation.
1) Communication
2) Willingness to serve
3) Common purpose
Further Bernard said that the function of the executive is:-
1) Maintaining the continuity of communication.
2) Ensuring the willingness to serve
3) Achieving the common purpose
Bernard rejected the concept of positional authority. And advocated that “acceptance theory of authority”
Under this theory he said that authority dependent upon subordinate. If subordinate follow an authority than they leg smite that order. If they do not accept then that became meaningless.
Further he said that for smooth functioning of the organisation every order has to be accepted by the subordinate. In this regard, he opined that order is accepted if they fall into the zone of indifference.
According to him zone of indifference has following elements:-
1) If subordinate understood it
2) If orders are consistent with the organisational interest
3) If orders are consistent with the personal interest
4) Physical and mental capacity to comply.
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