Categorised the activities of industrial undertaking into following six activities.
Fayol  said that 1st five activities are segmental. While, 6th is polistic activity.
For the segmental activity exclusive and expert knowledge required (technical knowledge). While the administrative/managerial activity need generalistic knowledge (knowledge of several fields).
                        The administrative activity cover all the segmental activities. Therefore manager need more and more attention in the organisation.
                                                                                          Fayol advocated that an administrator or manager has to perform following 5 type of function (element of management or administration.
1)    P --------------- PLANNING
2)    O--------------- ORGANISING
3)    C--------------- COMMANDING
4)    C--------------- COORDINATION
5)    C--------------- CONTROL
For Fayol  planning was PREVOYANCE i.e. to for see and plan. That is having the futuristic vision and planned accordingly. Infect all the administrative function according to fayol depend on planning.
                                In the organisation  for the performance activities one needs skills. Technical and managerial skills. Fayol have listed managerial skills as follows.
1)    Physical and mental capacity
2)    General education
3)    Specialised knowledge
4)    Experience and morale
Further fayol said that in the organisation both technical and managerial skills are required. In at the lowest level of organisation only technical skills are required as one goes to the hierarchy.  At the middle level both are required. While, at the top level only managerial skills are required.
Fayol believed that leaders can be made. He opined that management can be taught and should be taught. In other words according to fayol in the educational istitutions management as a discipline or subject or course must be started. He said that it should be started at school level. It is very unfortunate that it was highly ignored. Its has been brought in the educational institutions.
                                                    Fayol was concerned with the maximisation of production. And for this purpose he also believed that the efficiency and economy has to be maximised in the organisation.
In this regard he said that there might be no of principles of administration but the most important is following fourteen principles which have to be applied by the management in the organisation to get maximum production
Fayol’s principles are listed below:-
1)    DIVISON OF WORK:  when employees are specialized, output can increase because they became increasingly skilled and efficient.
2)    AUTORITY:  managers must have authority to give orders, but they must also keep in mind that with authority comes responsibility.
3)    DISCIPLINE: discipline must be upheld in organisations, but methods for doing so can vary.
4)    UNITY OF COMMAND: employees should have only one direct supervisor.
5)    UNITY OF DIRECTION: teams with the same objective should be working under the direction of one manager, using one plan. This will ensure that action is properly coordinated.
6)    SUBORDINATION OF INDIVIDUAL INTEREST TO THE GENERAL INTEREST: The interest of one employee should not be allowed to become more important than those of group. This include manager.
7)    REMUNERATION: employee satisfaction depends on fair remuneration for everyone. This include financial and non- financial compensation.
8)    CENTRALISATION: This principle refers to how close employees are to decision –making process. It is important to aim for appropriate balance.
9)    SCALAR CHAIN: employees should be aware of where they stand in the organisation’s hierarchy, or chain of command.
10)                       ORDER:  The workplace facilities must be clean, tidy and safe for employees. Everything should have its place.
11)                       EQUITY:  Managers should be fair to staff at all times, both maintaining discipline as necessary and acting kindness where appropriate.
12)                       STABILITY OF TENURE OF PERSONNEL: Managers should strive to minimize employee turnover. Personnel planning should be priority.
13)                       INITATIVE: Employee should be given the necessary level of freedom to create and carry out plans.
14)                       ESPRIT DE CORPS: Organisations should strive to promote team spirit and unity.
                                                                                 NO EMBIQUITY
                                                                     QUESTION DOES NOT ARISES.
                                                                      HOW TO FOLLOW?
                                                                     WHEN TO FOLLOW WILL NEVER DISTURBED THE FUNCTIONING.

SCALAR CHAIN           
Fayol opined that the organisation should be based on the superior subordinate relationship. He suggested that the chain of superiors ranging from ultimate authority to lower ranks from the top to bottom.
The chain of authority should not be broken at each level and employer must have an immediate loss who himself as a boss and they should go up to the level of managing director. No body must be out of the chain. According to him it serves multiple purpose such as.
1)    Provide channel for authority
2)    Or communication upward, downward & sideways.
3)    Decision making
4)    Maintenance of discipline etc.
Fayol advocated the functioning of the organisation must be based on the principle through proper channel i.e. in the functioning no anywhere should be skipped. It helps the chief of organisation to be informed above each and every activity activity in the organisation. And also help to integrate the entire organisation. It also provide several level of scrutinizing. The biggest problem is that it delay’s the work. Fayol was aware of this fact then also he emphasized that it should not be violated but for the emergency type of work he suggested alternative method known as GANG PLANK
Gang plank provide for level jumping in the organisation be precaution again. But in normal condition the principle through proper channel has to adhere closely. The gang plank should be applied during emergency type of work. Under the gang plank he said that a subordinate with the prior permission of his immediate superior can jump the level e.g. D can directly contact to B

But after the complition of task the subordinate has to report his immediate superior.  Thus the gang plank may work to be performed pastly and with the permission of immediate superior. The chief of the organisation always informed.

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