Upon hearing the word " Equity ", one is always propelled towards the picture of equality. And these two have no doubt existed as synonyms of each other till date erroneously.
Today's concept of equity, in this diverse classification of our society and glaring disparities between people, gender and status assumes the definition of not considering A equal to B ( that's what Equality is) but rather focuses on adjusting the shares in society in such a way so that Citizen A is made equal to citizen B in the coming time. To make sure that there is no concentration of wealth or resources at one place where it is not required and giving a part of it to the needy who are in dire need of the same for their survival. This social equity is now an important strand in Public Administration practice and studies as one of its foundation ethics so that every decision of the administrators and the politicians are routed through a thought of equity first as they are the guardian of the people and it is their first responsibility to carry out the same.
In the Indian context one can see this manifest itself in the form of 73rd and 74th Constitutional Act of Parliament where the rural development was started, as well as reservation for women and backward classes have been provided for to bring them into the mainstream for advancement. Right to education Act,abolition of untouchability, creation of local self help groups,save the girl child and maternal health programmes are other landmarks in this regard in India.
The new norms of participation by the people and the State is not restricted to the old fashioned thought of simply voting once in a while and keeping mum after that. Rather, now there are various other issues that have to be dealt with by the State and so citizen participation is all the more active and needed in this information and awareness driven environment of Globalisation for effective,long-lasting & good governance to take effect.
The new norms of Participation have to ensure the involvement of the people from all the classes,especially the weaker sections and minorities, women and children.
The right to information act,reservations in jobs and educational institutes for sc/st and obc,state-civil society partnerships for social development,citizen's charters,vigilance commissions,etc are all reforms in this direction in India.
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