" India lives in its villages " ~~~ Mahatma Gandhi

India is a country of villages with 70% of India's population live in rural areas as per Census of India's 2011 Provisional Population Totals of Rural-Urban Distribution. And,a large majority of those villages have very poor socio - economic conditions. Therefore, one can understand the importance of developing the rural areas. A slowdown in rural growth/development rate leads to a slow down the national growth rate as well even if the urban growth remain remains the same or increases.

The concerted efforts made to ameliorate the standard of living of the people of the villages is what is termed as Rural Development. And it is achieved through collective governmental and voluntary agencies' efforts in a country 

Rural - Is an area where the people are engaged in primary industry in the sense that they produce things directly for the first time in cooperation with nature. People here live in villages,farms or isolated homes in remote areas. Agriculture is the main occupation of rural areas, others can be based on mining,oil and gas exploration,tourism, logging,etc.

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