WOODROW WILSON  IN HIS ESSAY “THE STUDY OF ADMINISTRATION 1887” while advocating the idea of politics –administration dichotomy said that administration science make it more scientific. further he said that “ADMINISTRATION IS BUISNESS MAKE MORE BUISNESS LIKE.”
                             WILSON made a call for the scientific study of administration to become a scientific discipline. The study must be based on at least three criteria, i.e. hypothesis, value neutrality, universality.
                                             The scholar of public administration, in later years try to study scientifically. In public administration consider as a science there must be some universal theories and principles, that can be applied in practice. As so far the literature of public administration is concerned, presently it is scientific. Therefore public administration in the study is a science.
                              But it cannot be said that it is only a scientific discipline as when it is applied in the field, it depends upon several factors to be successfully on any scientific principles or theory of administration required skill professionals to apply.

                                                                                                           Art is a skill that can be demonstrated.  on the application of same principle two different managers may get different result. One may be very poor, while other one excellent or outstanding. It show the art of that individual therefore it can be said that public administration in the practice is art.


Public administration refers to the administration which operates in the governmental setting. Private administration on the other hand, refers to the administration which operate in non-governmental setting, that is business enterprises. Hence they are also known as governmental administration and business administration respectively.
Public administration is different from private administration in terms of the environment (i.e. institutional setting) in which its operates. PAUL H.APPLEBY, SIR JOSIA STAMP, HERBERT A. SIMON AND PETER DRUCKER made distinction between public and private administrations.
APPLEBY’S VIEW: according to him public administration is different from private administration in three aspects.
1)    Political character
2)    Breadth of scope, impact and consideration
3)    Public accountability
JOSIA STAMP’S VIEW: according to him public administration differs from private administration in four aspects.
1)    Principle of uniformity
2)    Principle of external financial control
3)    Principle of public responsibility
4)    Principle of service motive
HERBERT SIMON’S VIEW: according to him, the distinction between public and private administration lies in the popular imagination which relates to three points.
1)    Public administration is bureaucratic, whereas private administration is business –like.
2)    Public administration is political ,while private administration is non political.
3)    Public administration is characterised by red tape, while private administration is free from it.
DRUCKER’S VIEW : according to him, public administration (service institution)is basically different from private administration (business institution). To quote him,  “it is different in its has different values. It needs different objectives. And it make a different contribution to the society. ‘performance and results’ are quite different in service institution from what they are in a business institution. ‘managing for performance’is one area in which the service institution differs significantly from business institution.”

POLITICAL DIRECTION: the political character of public administration differentiate it from private administration. Public administration is subject to political direction and control. This is Primary distinction between the two. Paul Appleby argues “administration is politics since it must be responsive to the public interest…,it is necessary to emphasize the fact that popular political processes, which are the essence of democracy, can only work through governmental organisation. And that all governmental organisations are not merely administrative entities,  they are and must be political organisms.”
BREADTH OF SCOPE, IMPACT AND CONSIDERATION: private administration cannot claim the breadth of scope, impact and consideration of the public administration. In other words of PAUL H. APPLEBY, the organised government impinges upon and is affected by practically everything that exists or moves in our society. It involves policies and action of immense complexity. Its fullest possible understanding requires the wisdom of the anthropologist, the historian, the economist, the sociologist , the political scientist, the farmer, the labourer, the merchant, the industrialist, the banker, the politician, the philosopher, and many more.”
PUBLIC ACCOUNTABLITY: public administration is characterised by public accountability from which private administration is free. Public administration has to function in its environment which consist of the press, political parties, pressure groups, and so forth. Thus public accountability and responsibility is the hall mark of public administration in a democracy. PAUL H.APPLEBY observes “government administration differs from all other administrative work to a degree not even faintly outside, by virtue of its public outcry.”
PRINCIPLE OF EXTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROLthe finances of public administration are controlled by the legislature. In other words, legislature authorises the income and expenditure of executive branch. Private administration on the other hand ,is not subject to the principle of external financial control. it is free to manages its finances as its like.
PRINCIPLE OF SERVICE MOTIVE: Public administration is characterised by service motive. Its purpose is to serve the people and to promote community welfare. The private administration, in contrast, is characterised by profit motive, not social service . its objective is to maximise profit. Also, the public administration carries a greater social prestige than the private administration because of its social role.
LEGAL FRAME WORK: public administration has to function within the legal framework, that is , within the limits set by the laws, rules and regulations. This make the public administration rigid in its operation. Private administration, on the other hand, is relatively free from such limits and enjoys flexibility in operation.
The specific similarities between public and private administration are as below:-
1)    The managerial technique and skills of planning, organising, coordinating, controlling, and so on.
2)    Both have uniformity in accounting, filing, statistics, stocking, and so on.
3)    Both are organised on the basis of principle of hierarchy, that is scalar chain.
4)    Both are being influenced by the practices and standard of each other.

5)    Both have similarities so far as the problems of organisation , personnel and finance are concerned.
Public administration refers to the administration which operates in the governmental setting. Private administration on the other hand, refers to the administration which operate in non-governmental setting, that is business enterprises. Hence they are also known as governmental administration and business administration respectively.
Public administration is different from private administration in terms of the environment (i.e. institutional setting) in which its operates. PAUL H.APPLEBY, SIR JOSIA STAMP, HERBERT A. SIMON AND PETER DRUCKER made distinction between public and private administrations.
APPLEBY’S VIEW: according to him public administration is different from private administration in three aspects.
1)    Political character
2)    Breadth of scope, impact and consideration
3)    Public accountability
JOSIA STAMP’S VIEW: according to him public administration differs from private administration in four aspects.
1)    Principle of uniformity
2)    Principle of external financial control
3)    Principle of public responsibility
4)    Principle of service motive
HERBERT SIMON’S VIEW: according to him, the distinction between public and private administration lies in the popular imagination which relates to three points.
1)    Public administration is bureaucratic, whereas private administration is business –like.
2)    Public administration is political ,while private administration is non political.
3)    Public administration is characterised by red tape, while private administration is free from it.
DRUCKER’S VIEW : according to him, public administration (service institution)is basically different from private administration (business institution). To quote him,  “it is different in its has different values. It needs different objectives. And it make a different contribution to the society. ‘performance and results’ are quite different in service institution from what they are in a business institution. ‘managing for performance’is one area in which the service institution differs significantly from business institution.”

POLITICAL DIRECTION: the political character of public administration differentiate it from private administration. Public administration is subject to political direction and control. This is Primary distinction between the two. Paul Appleby argues “administration is politics since it must be responsive to the public interest…,it is necessary to emphasize the fact that popular political processes, which are the essence of democracy, can only work through governmental organisation. And that all governmental organisations are not merely administrative entities,  they are and must be political organisms.”
BREADTH OF SCOPE, IMPACT AND CONSIDERATION: private administration cannot claim the breadth of scope, impact and consideration of the public administration. In other words of PAUL H. APPLEBY, the organised government impinges upon and is affected by practically everything that exists or moves in our society. It involves policies and action of immense complexity. Its fullest possible understanding requires the wisdom of the anthropologist, the historian, the economist, the sociologist , the political scientist, the farmer, the labourer, the merchant, the industrialist, the banker, the politician, the philosopher, and many more.”
PUBLIC ACCOUNTABLITY: public administration is characterised by public accountability from which private administration is free. Public administration has to function in its environment which consist of the press, political parties, pressure groups, and so forth. Thus public accountability and responsibility is the hall mark of public administration in a democracy. PAUL H.APPLEBY observes “government administration differs from all other administrative work to a degree not even faintly outside, by virtue of its public outcry.”
PRINCIPLE OF EXTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROLthe finances of public administration are controlled by the legislature. In other words, legislature authorises the income and expenditure of executive branch. Private administration on the other hand ,is not subject to the principle of external financial control. it is free to manages its finances as its like.
PRINCIPLE OF SERVICE MOTIVE: Public administration is characterised by service motive. Its purpose is to serve the people and to promote community welfare. The private administration, in contrast, is characterised by profit motive, not social service . its objective is to maximise profit. Also, the public administration carries a greater social prestige than the private administration because of its social role.
LEGAL FRAME WORK: public administration has to function within the legal framework, that is , within the limits set by the laws, rules and regulations. This make the public administration rigid in its operation. Private administration, on the other hand, is relatively free from such limits and enjoys flexibility in operation.
The specific similarities between public and private administration are as below:-
1)    The managerial technique and skills of planning, organising, coordinating, controlling, and so on.
2)    Both have uniformity in accounting, filing, statistics, stocking, and so on.
3)    Both are organised on the basis of principle of hierarchy, that is scalar chain.
4)    Both are being influenced by the practices and standard of each other.

5)    Both have similarities so far as the problems of organisation , personnel and finance are concerned.


According to ROBERT T. GOLEMBIEWSKI the following three ant goals stand out in new public administration-
1)    Its literature is anti- positivist which means (a) rejecting a definition of public administration as ‘value free’. (b) Rejecting a rationalist and perhaps determinist view of human kind and (c) rejecting all the definition of public administration that was not properly involved in policy.
2)    It is anti- technical that is, it decries that the emotive- creative mankind is being sacrificed to the logic of machine and the system.
3)    It is more or less anti bureaucratic and anti-hierarchical.
FRANK MARINI summarizes the themes of new public administration under five heads: RELEVANCE, VALUES, SOCIAL EQUITY, CHANGE, and CLIENT ORIENTATION.
1)    RELEVANCE: advocate of new public administration opined that traditional public administration has been loaded with abstract. And comprehensively indefinable goals like efficiency and economy. And hence ignored the real life issue, which enable administrative effectiveness. Therefore they advocated that there is relevant knowledge of public administration whether it decides or not doesn’t matter.
2)    Values: according to the scholar of new public administration values cannot be ignored in administrative studies as public administrative what’s in a political and social environment. Hence these both influence the administration & vice versa.
3)    Change: advocates of new public administration said that the approach of traditional public administration was status-quo. It was cultural bound, parochial and lack of mobility. While demand of new public administration is mobility and dynamism. Therefore public administration should strive for bringing the change in society.
4)    Social equity: - according to scholar of new public administration the ultimate purpose of public administration is social equity. In this context Frederickson has said that public administration which faith to work for the changes, try to regress the deprivation of minorities will likely be eventually use to regress those minorities.
5)    Client orientation:- administrator should treat the administration as client/customer.

in other word public administration should satisfy the clients. That is why have to focus on effectiveness of administration.


Emerged in U.S.A  in 1960-1970
Prevailing condition in U.S.A
1)    Public administration was facing crisis of identity
2)    Vietnam war and its repercussions
3)    Assassination of kings and Kennedy
4)    Racial riots
5)    Civil supply was completely disturbed
All these resulted in dissatisfaction and unrest in every society. Youth was highly disappointed and university campuses were adversely affected. This situation was termed as the turbulence in the society by several academicians.
The traditional public administration was unable to tackle or answer this situation. As the entire literature of the public administration was full of managerial/administrative theories which were stressing on executive function.
Therefore the scholar under the guidance DWIGHT WALDO advocated NEW PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION.
Why New Public Administration?

Government of U.S.A appointed HONEY COMMISSION on higher education.
It reported in 1967
In this report it was suggested that the scope of public administration has to be widen in universities departments. it also suggested the appointment of professors in the field and the appointment of the public official in university.
On the theory and practice of public administration under the chairmanship of J.C CHARLSWORTH.
In this conference several issues were not discussed that annoyed the young scholars. Actually the young scholars were thinking of radicle and revolutionary changes. They decided to hold another conference.
This was based on future of public administration under the chairmanship of DWIGHT WALDO.
In this conference  following issue was discussed and the participants agreed on the following.
1)    Shift from the focus of chief executive to the programmatic nature of public administration.
2)    From extract managerial principles to real problems of society.
3)    Shift from extract dichotomy to the contribution of politics in administration and vice versa.
4)    The governing parameters should be ethic & responsibility in administration.
5)    Shift from efficiency & economy to social equity.
6)    Effectiveness of public administration can be measured on the participation of citizenry.

7)    Contemporary challenge be for administration is changed not growth in government.


Public administration as a discipline emerged in U.S.A. though the administration is old as the civilization. Each and every society has a particular administrative system since the civilization. But a systematic development of the discipline started after the essay written by WOODROW WILSON title as STUDY OF ADMINISTRATION 1887
Recruitment of the govt official was based on the spoil system, that is official were be recruited by the official. They were recruiting their own kith and kins and their political supporter. Thus no permanent bureaucracy as official were changed due to changing of the government.
1). Lack of meritocracy.
2). In eligible and unskilled people                                   were recruited.
3). In deficiency and lack of      economy was wide spread.
4). Resulted in poor performance of   administration.
5). Widespread corruption ultimately.
In this era WILSON advocated the idea of politics administration dichotomy. He agrees for the separation of administration from politics in both the field study and practice.
As there was no discipline like administration. If anything was given regarding the administration then it was a part of political science.
In the field of practice spoil system was be practised in the U.S.A, under which politician were directly involved in the recruitment of public official. It resulted in wide spread in efficiency, lack of economy and corruption.
Therefore WILSON had given very futuristic idea separate polity and administration.

WILSON makes it clear that administration can also become a scientific discipline. That is why he made a call for scientific study of discipline further he said administration is same as the other business activity/professor. That is why it has to be made more professional. In other words Wilson suggested establish a merit based permanent bureaucratic system. It will maximise the efficiency and economy and ultimately maximization of the performance of administration.
In modern democracies it is almost impossible to separate administration from politics separately as administration work in political environment and it is the politics that decide that what administration should do and what should not.
WILSON was aware about the problem that may emerge due to the complete separation. According to him bureaucracy if left alone/free then it may create bureaucratic elite that is why he himself suggested POLITICAL CONTROL OVER BUREAUCRACY (IN 1891).
WILSON why advocating politics administration dichotomy argued that “politics make law while administration implements the law”. Therefore he said that both have separate function that is why both should be separated.
FRANK.J.GOODNOW:- In 1900 wrote a book title “politics and administration”. He followed the idea of politics administration dichotomy of WILSON and explained and elaborates. GOODNOW said “politics has to do with policies while administration has to do with execution”. It is clear that with this statement that he widen and elaborated functions of the administration by relating it with the policy execution. Though he also supported the separation because of separate function of politics and administration.
Further GOODNOW said that “policies are expression of state will” therefore the administration execute the will of the state. In a democratic state it is clear that the administration is responsible for the execution of will of the people it also show the relationship. GOODNOW was also in favour of political administration.
1)    PURE
All the three important for social science +laboratory exp. ----natural science
+mathematics-----pure science  (astro physics).
In 1926 L.D WHITE wrote a book title an introduction study of public administration in this book he also followed the wilsonian idea of dichotomy. White had also given some idea about the financial & personnel administration.
In this era several principles of administration were given by the scholars. They all have advocated that their principle are scientific can be applied universally whether it is public or private administration.
This era start with the scientific theory given by FREDRICK WINSLOW TAYLOR. He has given scientific principles to be applied at the workshop level of organisation universally in 1910
Later on classical scholar like  HENRY FAYOL, LUTHER GULICK and LYNDELL URWICK have given universal principles of management. HENRY FAYOL in his book – GENERAL INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT given 14 principles of management and advocated their universal application. Similarly LUTHER GULICK & LYNDALL URWICK co-credited “the paper on the science of administration in 1937”. With the publication of this paper the principle era or managerialism reach its draingth all the classical scholar were having the same view regarding the organisation, man and production they advocated that organisation is formal and should be run on the basis of following principles.They consider that human being is an economic man can only be motivated by economic incentives they consider that human being is nothing but instrument of production .they have credited “carrot and stick theory of motivation”.
ERA OF CHALLENGES (1938-1947).
In this all classical scholar were challenged. They are challenged 1st of all by the human relation theorist under the guidance of ELTON MAYO. Scholar conduct a series of experiment in western electric company “hawthrone U.S.A”. After rigorous experimentation in several year they concluded that human being is a social man, not the economic man.
He has social and psychological aspects that has to be satisfied. In other word it cannot be motivated by the economic incentives. He is not a machine or instrument of production but the human being.
Human relationist advocate the idea of informal organisation.
BEHAVIOURAL SCHOLAR especially HERBERT SIMON  criticized the classical scholars and their advocacy of scientific principles. And synthesized the idea of classical and human relationist. He said classical study meteorology was not scientific as it was normative study i.e. value loaded not the value neutral. So to develop scientific knowledge increase the empirical study(based on factual analysis) is needed.
Further he argued  that human being is neither rational nor irrational but bounded rational similarly all the organisation are both formal and informal. Infect informal organisation exist within the formal organisation.
In this era some scholar move toward the political science some toward the management. Therefore public administration lost its identity. During the phase several cynics started criticized by saying there is no any discipline like public administration. Public administration is dead. But it is fortunate that in this period two major developments are witnessed emergence of ADMINISTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT AND COMPARITIVE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION.

In this era scholar like DWIGHT WALDO argued that knowledge of public administration should held in the field of formulation of public policies and should implement them effectively. These scholar advocated that the need is relevant knowledge whether science are not doesn’t matter. In other word they have advocated that public administration should work for the welfare of society




The significance of public administration can be categorised into sign as a discipline and practice.
AS A DISCIPLINE:- it proposes/provide several important principle, theories & ideas. The people without proper or illiterate knowledge of administration cannot administrator themselves effectively and efficiently.
GERALD CAIDEN:-has rightly observed that “the society becoming more and more dependent on the political system which in turn is becoming more and more dependent on the administrative system”. Presently the administration is involved in implementation of several policies like poverty eradication , illiteracy , Environment, disaster management, nuclear power etc. there are so crucial area to consider by the administrators as of immense importance and hence they have to  implement them wisely and honestly.
GERALD CAIDEN has given following factors responsible for the increased significance of public administration.
1). Preservation of polity.
2). Maintainance  of peace and order.
3). Institutionalising the socio-economic change.
4). Management of large scale public activities.
5). Encouraging growth and economic development.
6). Protection of deprived section of society.
7). implementing of public policies and political terms.
8). Building the public opinion.
C.MERRIAM :- “Administration is the evolution of another human technology leading to men’s adaptation to his  complex environment”.
D.WALDO:- “PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION is a part of cultural complex and it is not only acted upon , but also is indeed a creative force with man’s welfare as its ideal.
PAUL .H. APPLEBY:- “ADMINISTRATION is the basis of government. No government can exist without administration. Without administration government would be a discussion club , if indeed, it could exist at all.
FELIX.A.NIGRO :- “the real core of administration is the basic service which is performed for the public”.
HENRY FAYOL:-THE administrative process is universal




ADAM SMITH suggested that state should not involve itself in the affairs of the people. that is why the function of state were confined only to the:-
1). law & order maintainer
2).revenue collection

The state was not interfering in the life of peoples that is why known as lessez faire.  

 Thus the scope of public administration in lassez faire was very limited. Infact it was confined only to the maintaince of law & order & revenue collection.

In this situation another ECONOMIST J.M KEYNES overcame the depression suggested investment by state.

Keynes suggested investment by the state for generation of employment so that the purchasing power of the people can increase and as a result balanced in the demand and supply can be chained.

State started to invest in several types of goods and services related with the people life In fact state existence was/is everywhere. it transformed the role of state into welfaristic state.

This is the reason why it is to said that the state is everywhere from WOMB  TO TOMB.
So the scope of public administration WOMB TO TOMB.
After the adoption of LPG the role of state transformed into facilitator from doer. Thus the nature of state become regulatory presently. In this era the responsibility of state has been increased manifold. There are several areas like social   welfare which cannot be transferred to the private parties.
On the other hand several private sector are entering in the areas which were governmental. so the state has to facilitate regulate the private sector also. Thus the scope of public administration has grown manifold.

With the above discussion it became clear that the scope of public administration depend upon the nature of state.


NARROW VIEW: - regarding the scope of public administration the very initial view presented by  LUTHER GULICK. He related administration only to the function of the executive body only. Then he narrowed the scope of the public administration.
Later on NIGRO & NIGRO opined that public administration is related with the function of all the three organ of the government. and it also performed the function arised due to the interaction of these three organs. It is known as broader view regarding the scope of public administration.
This view of scope of public administration was advocated by LUTHER GULICK in his very famous paper on the SCIENCE OF ADMINISTRATION 1937. He believed that administration consisted of seven elements. He summed up these elements in acronym ‘POSD CORB’, each letter of which implies one element of administration.
LUTHER GULICK explains these seven element of administration (or function of the chief executive ) in following ways:-
P---PLANNING:- this is the working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise.
O---ORGANISING:- that is the establishment of the formal structure of authority through which work sub-divisons are arranged , defined and coordinated for the defined objectives.
S---STAFFING:- this is the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and maintaining favourable conditions of work.
D---DIRECTING:- this is the continuous task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general orders and instructions and serving as the leader of the enterprise.
CO---COORDINATING:- that is all important duty of interrelating the various parts of the work.
R---REPORTING:- that is keeping informed those to whom the executive is responsible as to what is going on. This includes keeping oneself and one’s subordinates informed through records, research and inspection.
B---BUDGETING:- all that goes with budgeting in the form of fiscal planning ,accounting and control.
but one can easily understand that posd corb is the instrument only. To apply these instrument the knowledge of the subject is required. Without the knowledge of subject matter it will become almost impossible to apply ‘POSD CORB’ effectively. Therefore it is cleared that both POSD CORB and SUBJECT MATTER are not contradictory to each other, but complimentary they are very closely related to each other and the relationship between them was defined nicely by LEWIS MERIAM as POSD CORB & SUBJECT MATTER both are the two blade of same scissor and for the smooth functioning both the blade must be sharp.
Similarly M.E. DIMOCK observed administration is concerned with ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the government. The ‘what’ is the subject matter, the technical knowledge of a field , which enables the administrator to perform his tasks. The ‘how’ is the technique of management, the principles according to which the cooperative programmes are carried to success. Each is indispensable. Together they form the synthesis called administration”.

Public administration as a discipline consists of five branches:
1). Organisational theory and behaviour.
2). Public personnel administration.
3). Public financial administration.
4). Comparative and development administration.

5). Public policy analysis.


Meaning of public administration
Public administration is referred as governmental administration. But also to understand it’s meaning completely one has to know the meaning of administration and public separately.
The term administration is made by two Latin words AD+MINISTRATE.
                                                     AD: - to look after
                                           MINISTRATE: - to manage
                                                                 -    To serve
Therefore public administration simply refers to look after the people, to manage the affairs of the society and to serve the people. It becomes very clear that public administration is action or decisional part of government so to perform this function Administrator or Bureaucrats are needed,
                                                                                        The term administration is broader or it refers looking after, managing or serving in any field of activity the prefix public narrows it and specifies it is only to the governmental administration.
There are several scholars who try to define the public administration such as:-
LUTHER GULLICK: - “Administration is related with getting thing done.” therefore he related administration only to the executive of the government.
“public administration is that part of the science of administration which has to do with government and thus concern itself primarily with the executive branch where the work of government is done, though there are obviously problems in connection with the legislative and judicial branches.”
NIGRO &NIGRO: - Said that administration performs all the functions related with all the three organs (executive, legislature, and judiciary).with the government and even the function raised due to their interaction.
L.D WHITE:-Opined that public administration is related with the execution of public policies.
WOODROW WILSON:- “public administration is detailed and systematic execution of law. Every particular application of law is an act of public administration.”  He further says “Administration is the most obvious part of the government in action; it is the executive, the operative, the most visible side of the government.”
JOHN A VEIG: administration signifies the organisation, personnel, practices and procedures essential to effective performance of civilian functions entrusted to the executive branch of the government.
FRANK GOODNOW: “administration includes the function  of executing the law as well as the semi-scientific, quasi-judicial and quasi- business or commercial functions.”
E.N. GLADDEN:Administration is a long and slightly pompous word, but it has humble meaning, to care for or look after people, to manage affairs…. Is determined action taken in pursuit of a conscious purpose.”
“public administration is concerned with the administration is concerned with the administration of the government.”
FLIX A.NIGRO: “administration is the organisation and use of men and material to accomplish a purpose.”
HRBERT A. SIMON: “in its broadest sense, Administration  can be defined as the activities of groups cooperating to accomplish common goals.”
JOHN A. VEIG: “administration is determined action taken in pursuit of conscious purpose. It is the systematic ordering of affairs and the calculated use of resources, aimed at making those thing happen which we want to happen and simultaneously preventing development that fail to square with our intentions. It is the marshalling of available labour and materials in order to gain that which is desired at the lowest cast, in energy, time and money.
PFIFFENER: “administration is the organisation and direction of human and material resources to achieve desirendnds .”
L.D WHITE: “the art of administration is the direction, co-ordination and control of many persons to achieve some purpose or objective.”
“public administration consist of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfilment or enforcement of public policy.”
GEORGE E. BARKLEY: “administration is a process involving human beings jointly engages in working towards common goals.”
BROOKS ADAMS: “administration is the capacity of coordinating many and often conflicting social energies in a single organism, so adroitly that they shall operate as unity.”
KEITH HENDERSON: “administration is the arrangement of man and material in rational carrying out of purposes.”
D. WALDO  : “administration is a type of co-operative human effort that has a high degree of rationality.”
“public administration is the art and science of management as applied to the affairs of state.” he further observes “the process of public administration consists of the actions involved in affecting the intent or desire of a government. It is thus the continuously active,  ‘business’  part of the government, concerned with carrying out the  law as made by legislative bodies (or other authoritative agents) and interpreted by the courts, through the process of organisation and management. The field of study –putatively a science or discipline of public administration focuses upon public administration as a process.”
All the above definitions are showing the very dynamic nature of public administration.
All the definitions are of different kind then also, are unable to define what public administration is.
After the advent of liberalisation, privatisation, globalisation (LPG). In western countries around 80% of the governmental function is being performed by private sector .it makes it clear that in the ambit the public administration private sector is enduring several voluntary organisation and NGO are also involved in the supply of those goods and services that were responsibility of government.
In this context an inclusive definition of public administration is needed if on tries to define it as “all those functions which are financed by public money come under the sphere of public administration” it is a kind of inclusive definition but there are still some threats out of the reach.This is the reason DWIGHT WALDO opined that “defining public administration is by statement or paragraph is not enlightening the discipline but is our mental paralysis”.

 FREDRICK.C.MOSHER:- has said that it is good not to define it.